
Capture d’écran 2022-05-18 à 13.43.09


  • 兒童
  • 青少年
  • 成人

Exam Prep.

  • DELF A1-B2


  • -
  • English
  • Spanish

“Jimmy loves to share about French culture with his students”


  • Native speaker
  • Degree in Management
  • Preparation for the diploma of aptitude for teaching French as a foreign language


  • French teaching in Paris since 2019: help with the integration of immigrants
  • French teaching in Hong Kong since 2022

Jimmy comes from Normandy, a rural region in France.
Before coming to Hong Kong he lived in Paris for two years: in front of the Eiffel Tower !

During his studies he worked 3 years with kids and teenagers: school support & tutoring for pupils from 6 to 16 years old.

Jimmy taught French language in his close circle: to Turkish friends, to his Pakistani best friend and to his Chinese partner in life. All of them had one thing in common: they just arrived in France and were totally beginner in French !

His professional experiences in tutoring and management has taught him to listen, to be very patient and also to easily adapt to different personalities.

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