2022 : Year of the French election

2022 : Year of the French election


Did you know that this year is an important one for French citizens ?
It is the year that French president will be elected.

On April 24th, French citizens will have to choose between Marine Le Pen and the current President : Emmanuel Macron (on the picture above)

On this occasion, let's see fun facts about French elections and presidents.


1. Emmanuel Macron : Youngest French President.

Emmanuel Macron, at the age of 39 (when elected) is the youngest president ever in France.


2. Cinq ou Sept ans (5 or 7)

Until 2000, the French President was elected for a period of 7 years.
After, this period has changed to 5 years with the possibility to be re-elected a second time.
Lately, there was discussion to re-establish the 7 year Presidency period. (To be continued...)


3. Being President of France, does it pay well ?

The President of France has a monthly salary of around 13,000 euros after taxes (HKD 111,000).

Additionally, he benefits of living in Palais de L'Élysée (French White House), has access to a nice fleet of official cars as well as free travel through French railway network.


4. La Grâce Présidentielle

La Grâce Présidentielle is a special power given to the President which allows him to cancels partially or fully a criminal sentence applied by the court.


5. The election, democratic ?

The French President election is a result of direct voting from French citizens aged of 18 and more years. It happens in two rounds, separated by 2 weeks period.
From overseas citizens to EU expats living in France, all can participate to the election as long as they are signed in.

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